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who i am

who i am

I am Amélie

Originally French, I have been living in Spain for over 7 years. I grew up in the United States, and moved to Canada in 2011 to study at the prestigious McGill University. Three years later, with a Bachelor Degree in Sociology and International Development in hand, I entered the world of work. In 2016, in search of something new, I moved to Spain, both to improve my Spanish... and to escape the Canadian winters! I started teaching English in academies and translating for friends and family. Today, I have managed to turn my passion for languages into a successful business.

In addition to being a serious and organized person, I have extensive life and professional experience, and I am dedicated to helping the world share the richness of its cultures and languages.

Soy Amélie Houdet

How can I help you?


Translation of documents, manuals, guides, reports, etc.


Translation, localization and transcreation of applications for the target market.


Translation, localization and transcreation of websites, social media pages, blogs, etc.

My languages

Years of experience
+ 0
Completed projects
+ 0
+ 0
Satisfied customers
+ 0